After achieving early professional success, Stephen Shedletzky found himself unsatisfied and unwilling to do work he didn’t believe in. The tension that existed between his work and his values eventually led him to Simon Sinek, with whom he now works closely.
In addition to affording Stephen an opportunity to do work he cares deeply about, Simon also acted as an unwitting link between Stephen and I.
In the weeks after enjoying the great privilege of chatting with Simon via Skype, I was introduced to Stephen’s work on Simon’s Start With Why Podcast. I decided to send Stephen an introductory note and I’m so very glad that I did. Our initial conversation led to us working together on a couple printing projects, exchanging a great deal of trash talk related to our passions for rival baseball teams, and becoming friends.
In this short interview Stephen talks about the importance of serving others, the need for inspiration to be paired with action, and the immense value of believing in the work you do. I am proud to call Stephen a friend and so excited for you to learn more about him. Enjoy!