How limiting your options gives you freedom

Everything in my closet matches every other thing in my closet.

What can I say? I love navy blue.

Each morning when I scan my closet for something to wear I get to skip the part where I have to decide if these pants go with that shirt. Anything goes with everything.

In a world where we spend our days making nearly 40,000 unique decisions, I’ve simplified my wardrobe choices so much they almost don’t count.

How could you apply this to your small business?

  • Are there software tools that could be combined or even eliminated?
  • Are there roles in your organization that are redundant or outdated?
  • Could you focus your efforts during a given week or month on a specific project so that your priorities for that time period are crystal clear?
  • Do the services you offer complement and reinforce one another? Could you eliminate those that don’t?
  • Do you batch like kinds of work together? Perhaps going as far as to have half- or full-days earmarked for specific activities?

An infinity of choice may look like freedom, but creating intentional constraints to limit certain choices can free you up to use your decision-making powers on more important things.
If you are feeling overwhelmed as a small business owner, download my free Anti-Overwhelm Playbook today. It will help you find the clarity and direction you need to overcome overwhelm and cancel the chaos so you can build your business with complete clarity.
