The Most Surprising Thing A Client Has Ever Told Me

When I reflect on the myriad calls I have shared with overwhelmed small business owners, the one thing that surprises me the most is that nothing has ever been particularly surprising.

Sure, a few circumstances have been a little more exotic than others, but the underlying themes are ultimately the same:

I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do… 

There aren’t enough hours in the day…

My employees are driving me crazy…

Too many things are changing at once…

I’m struggling to prioritize the work…

Every caller is at their wits end, fully convinced that their situation is uniquely complex. Unsolvable, even.

And every caller is wrong.

I don’t share this to minimize the experiences of these owners, I’ve tangled with each of these situations in my own businesses – many times – and I understand exactly how they feel.

I share this to illuminate something I hope will encourage you:

You are not alone.

Your problems feel special because they are emotionally charged for you, but many (if not most) other small business owners are dealing with some variation of the same thing.

Take courage! Your experience isn’t unusual and the overwhelm you are experiencing can be remedied! 

If you are feeling overwhelmed as a small business owner, download my free Anti-Overwhelm Playbook today. It will help you find the clarity and direction you need to overcome overwhelm and cancel the chaos so you can build your business with complete clarity.

Want more? Listen to episode 18 of my podcast, Your Business Is Not Your Boss, that takes a deeper dive into this message!
