David Allen knows how to get things done

David Allen, Author of Getting Things DoneTo say that David Allen changed my life is the mother of all understatements. When I picked up a copy of his seminal book Getting Things Done in a bookstore more than a decade ago I had no idea how the ideas found on those pages would change my work forever. The simple but paradigm shifting system for achieving “stress free productivity” laid out in the book was the first step in helping me become more effective and in control of my world.

David is an affable and brilliant evangelist for having a “mind like water” and using is to have ideas instead of holding ideas.

  • If you have ever been overwhelmed because you have too much to do…listen to this interview.
  • If you have ever said yes to something only to realize you have 2 other competing priorities you forgot about…listen to this interview.
  • If you have ever been completely distracted by work while you were at lunch with a friend…listen to this interview.
  • If you have ever found yourself working on projects you don’t care about at the expense of the ones you do…listen to this interview.

(Click here if you can’t see the embedded video.)