Someone loves to do the thing you hate

When asked what they love most about their businesses, most of my new clients struggle to nail it down with clarity or specificity.

But they all know EXACTLY what they hate about it.

They are so clear about the thing(s) that vexes them, and that clarity creates a problem most of them can’t even see.

Their overwhelming disdain for managing people, or keeping the books, or designing flyers, or posting to social media, or troubleshooting technology, or about a thousand other possible activities, blinds them to the fact that there are people out there who love to manage people, or keep the books, or design flyers or post on social media…

Their ongoing frustration with a particular business activity entrenches them. “This is my cross to bear,” they say.

But what if they explored an alternative approach?

What if their ongoing frustration led them to say, “who else might love doing this and how can I partner with them?”

It might mean leveraging someone who is already on their team in a different way. It might mean hiring someone new. It might mean exploring a relationship with a contractor.

If you can relate to one of these clients, here are the first two steps you need to take to flip the script:

  1. Acknowledge that someone else might actually enjoy the thing you detest.
  2. Get creative with how you approach delegating such work. You might be surprised at how many solutions exist that don’t require you to take on another W2 employee.