3 ways to adapt quickly

You are going to make plans and then some unexpected twist is going to break those plans.

In spite of all of your thoughtful consideration, something you couldn’t possibly see coming will tap you on the shoulder and force you to rework things at the 11th hour

It’s inevitable.

Here are 3 ways to adapt quickly when plans change.


This sounds silly on the surface, but many of the small business owners I work with are stuck because something broke their plans and they haven’t come to terms with their new reality. 

As long as you are denying the change, angry about the change, or trying to bargain your way out of the change, you won’t be able to focus your time, energy, and focus on adapting your plans effectively. 

It’s okay to feel angry or disappointed. Acknowledge those feelings so you can process them and move on.

Loosen your grip

I completely understand the desire to exert greater control over things that feel out of control, but what would happen if you chose to loosen your grip instead? 

Drumming is an exercise in relaxed control – the stick will work FOR me if I get out of its way – and things almost always work better when I force myself to relax my body while playing. 

Is the effort you are exerting actually making the circumstance better or is it just exhausting you? Is the effort you are exerting actually making things worse? 

Like a swimmer fighting against a riptide, sometimes you have to stop trying control things (the ocean is not yours to control) and instead look for a way to sidestep the peril by taking an alternative (and less resistant) path.

Get weird

It’s easy to become incredibly single-minded when a twist comes along and fouls up your plans. 

Instead of identifying creative solutions, our “brainstorming” simply focuses on achieving the original outcome in spite of the setback we are experiencing. 

Try this instead: look for opportunities in the setback. 

What might be possible now that wasn’t possible before? How could the outcome be reimagined in a way that might even be better than the original plan? How could the setback be a gift? 

The object is to zoom out and reassess the situation, not to simply look for a quick detour.

If you are feeling overwhelmed as a small business owner, download my free Anti-Overwhelm Playbook today. It will help you find the clarity and direction you need to overcome overwhelm and cancel the chaos so you can build your business with complete clarity.